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Tjäna poäng när du handlar för att använda på framtida beställningar!
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Läs den senaste blogpost om vår och sol!
You can use all of the best products and receive regular facials but if you're not applying (and reapplying) your sunscreen, then it's like throwing money down the drain.
Ultraviolet(UV) waves are the number one contributor to premature skin ageing. Think - loose skin, sun spots, wrinkles and textural changes.
We adress these issues with at-home products like: Lotion P50, Creme Aux Acides De Fruits and AlphaRet but you can also PREVENT these issues with a simple UV protection.
This is a collection of Chloe's all time favorite sunscreens. With something for everyone - you're sure to find a product that you love.
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